How to Replace a Furnace Filter
Independent professionals recommend changing ventilation filters at least every 3 months.
Energy Star recommends checking filters each month; particularly during the high season (summer and winter are both high seasons if air conditioning and heating are used). If the filter looks dirty after a month of use, it should be replaced.
A dirty filter will slow airflow. This means more energy will be required to heat or cool. A clogged filter can also cause some parts of air conditioning systems to freeze.
A clean filter will prevent the accumulation of dirt in the most vulnerable areas of your ventilation system. This means that in the course of years your system will need less maintenance and costly repairs.
Particular conditions may require more frequent replacement.
Where to locate the filters
Before beginning, switch the breaker of the furnace to OFF in order to cut the current.
The furnace filter is located on the return side of your system, the inlet side. Not the side where there is hot air (or cold air in the case of an air conditioning system).
The filter is usually located inside the furnace just in front of the fan: You get access by removing a back panel or a small side plate in the case of an electronic filter. Usually you have to unscrew a couple of bolts to get access to the filter.
In certain cases the filter can be located directly in the return duct.
How to measure a filter
If you already have a filter, you only have to take its dimensions.
IMPORTANT: Stock filters are usually identified by their nominal dimensions. In fact, the real physical dimensions of filters are about ¼" less than the advertised nominal dimensions. Please take this into account when ordering. In the case of filter thickness, the nominal dimension is the same as the real dimension.
How to install the new filter
Some pleated filters have an arrow indicating the air flow direction. Place the filter in accordance with the arrow.
Attention: Check for air leaks
Pay special attention to the airtight seal around the perimeter of the filter.
An air filter is useful to the same extent as it is airtight around the perimeter. Air always follows the least resistive path. If the filter can move in its casing, air will pass around it. Take care to secure the filter against its frame.
- Date 12, 2018 Download PDFSolutions for Common Ventilation Problems
A good air filter can help solve many air quality problems and keep your house cleaner at the same time.
All our filters can help you get rid of household dust. You will be delighted to find that our air filters can reduce dusting chores by more than 400%. A good air filter is a real time saver.
We all know that dust has a tendency to rest on objects or to agglomerate in balls under the furniture. What fewer people know is that the quantity of dust in the air increases with dryness, that is, in winter.
Dust is present in large quantities in homes. It is carried around by draughts and by the turbulences created by moving objects, pets and humans. Sun exposure can also move dust.
Dust is composed of fibres and fine debris of less than 500 microns. It is responsible for many health problems encountered by humans and animals.
Dust and Health
Around industrial sites, or near roads, dust contains a large portion of toxic substances that can be inhaled. Children are at a greater risk because they are usually very active.
In those zones, the air is often acidic, rich in ozone and other aggressive pollutants. This can be harmful to our lungs.
Even when the particles are nontoxic, perpetual inhalation can induce cancers (like the cancer of the baker who inhales flour or the cancer of the carpenter exposed to sawdust).
Dust also contains mould spores and allergenic pollens.
In cities, pollens are exposed to pollutants that degrade their cuticle, exposing allergenic molecules that usually never enter into contact with our mucous membranes. This is one of the reasons why hay fever is often a bigger problem in cities than in the country.
Dust also acts as a life support for many microbes and other pathogenic agents than cannot otherwise survive very long in open air.
Dust which sticks to the soles of shoes can bring into the house remnants of the excrement of dogs, cats, birds, rats, etc. Toxic particles can also enter into the house via the garments of those who work in polluted environments.
Dust of organic origin (such as coming from the degradation of feathers or the exfoliation of the skin) usually contains dust mites, the excrement of which can be a potent allergen for sensitive people.
It is for these reasons that we operate in white, sterile rooms and why we trap dust in hospitals and care centers, especially where there are asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
Olfactory pollution includes all the nuisances that concern the sense of smell. Did you know that odour pollution is the second most common cause of complaint next to noise pollution?
Our filters equipped with an active carbon layer are very effective in trapping odours and other pollutants thanks to their high adsorptive power.
Allergies and moulds
Most people know that moulds can degrade food, especially fruits and bread
What is less well known is that airborne moulds can be a source of many health problems.
Two Canadian studies (1,2) conclude that exposure to moisture and moulds in homes is a major risk factor for a variety of respiratory sicknesses in Canada, especially when more than 38% of the home studied showed signs of moisture and moulds.
The following symptoms can be caused by the presence of moulds and microscopic fungi in the air:
- Respiratory track symptoms: cough, sputum, nose and throat irritation, nasal discharge, sneezing, wheezing, thoracic aches;
- Respiratory allergies: rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
- Non-respiratory symptoms: eye irritation, tissue infection;
- Skin allergies: skin irritation, dermatitis;
- Non-specified toxic effects: fever, shivers, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deficiency of the immune system, fatigue, hair loss.
There are thousands of different varieties of moulds that are in fact microscopic filamentous mushrooms. Their proliferation depends on the following conditions:
- The presence of spores (they are always present inside buildings or outdoors).
- Temperatures between 2 and 40°C.
- A food source (everything that is organic: books, carpets, clothes, wood, plaster).
- A source of dampness.
If you suspect the presence of moulds in your house, we recommend the MervPlus filter. With its Merv 10 filtering power, this filter exceeds the recommendations of the ASHREA (Merv 6) to stop and trap moulds. Our HEPA AirMax filter is also an excellent choice for this purpose.
Radon is a rare radioactive gas of natural origin that comes from the disintegration of radium. Originating from rocks, it is particularly present in volcanic, granite and uranium-bearing regions.
Radon can accumulate in houses, particularly in closed spaces such as poorly ventilated cellars.
The means to decrease the concentration of radon in habitations is by ventilation and the use of crawl spaces. The installation of HEPA AirMax filters is an additional protective measure.
Radon is considered toxic. In Europe it is estimated to be responsible for 9% of recorded lung cancers (this is the same level as passive smoke). Radon penetrates the body via the respiratory system. It clings to the lungs and emits high-energy particles that irradiate the tissues.
Radon is a real problem in a house. It requires professional expertise.
Examples of admissible concentrations in houses:
- Canada: maximum of 200 Bq/m³.
- United States and Luxembourg: maximum of 150 Bq/m³.
- Switzerland: 400 Bq/m³
- European Union: 400 Bq/m³ for existing buildings and 200 Bq/m³ for new buildings
- Italy: 500 Bq/m³ for schools and working spaces.
- France: 1000 Bq/m³ for official buildings with a recommended value of 400 Bq/m³. There is no obligation for habitations.